| 1 | è«–åˆ°ä½ å€‘ä¿¡ä¸Šæ‰€é¡Œçš„äº‹ã€æˆ‘說男ä¸è¿‘女倒好。
Now for the matters you wrote about: It is good for a man not to marry.
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| 2 | 但è¦å…淫亂的事ã€ç”·å當å„有自己的妻åã€å¥³å也當å„有自己的丈夫。
But since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband.
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| 3 | 丈夫當用åˆå®œä¹‹åˆ†å¾…妻åã€å¦»å待丈夫也è¦å¦‚æ¤ã€‚
The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband.
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| 4 | 妻å沒有權柄主張自己的身åã€ä¹ƒåœ¨ä¸ˆå¤«ï¼Žä¸ˆå¤«ä¹Ÿæ²’有權柄主張自己的身åã€ä¹ƒåœ¨å¦»å。
The wife's body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband's body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife.
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| 5 | 夫妻ä¸å¯å½¼æ¤è™§è² ã€é™¤éžå…©ç›¸æƒ…願ã€æš«æ™‚分房ã€ç‚ºè¦å°ˆå¿ƒç¦±å‘Šæ–¹å¯ã€ä»¥å¾Œä»è¦åŒæˆ¿ã€å…得撒但è¶è‘—ä½ å€‘æƒ…ä¸è‡ªç¦ã€å¼•èª˜ä½ 們。
Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.
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| 6 | 我說這話ã€åŽŸæ˜¯å‡†ä½ 們的ã€ä¸æ˜¯å‘½ä½ 們的。
I say this as a concession, not as a command.
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| 7 | 我願æ„眾人åƒæˆ‘一樣.åªæ˜¯å„äººé ˜å— 神的æ©è³œã€ä¸€å€‹æ˜¯é€™æ¨£ã€ä¸€å€‹æ˜¯é‚£æ¨£ã€‚
I wish that all men were as I am. But each man has his own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that.
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| 8 | 我å°è‘—沒有å«å¨¶çš„和寡婦說ã€è‹¥ä»–們常åƒæˆ‘就好。
Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I am.
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| 9 | 倘若自己ç¦æ¢ä¸ä½ã€å°±å¯ä»¥å«å¨¶ã€‚與其慾ç«æ”»å¿ƒã€å€’ä¸å¦‚å«å¨¶ç‚ºå¦™ã€‚
But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
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| 10 | 至於那已經å«å¨¶çš„ã€æˆ‘å©å’他們ã€å…¶å¯¦ä¸æ˜¯æˆ‘å©å’ã€ä¹ƒæ˜¯ä¸»å©å’ã€èªªã€å¦»åä¸å¯é›¢é–‹ä¸ˆå¤«ã€‚
To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband.
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| 11 | 若是離開了ã€ä¸å¯å†å«ï¼Žæˆ–是ä»åŒä¸ˆå¤«å’Œå¥½ï¼Žä¸ˆå¤«ä¹Ÿä¸å¯é›¢æ£„妻å。
But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife.
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| 12 | 我å°å…¶é¤˜çš„人說ã€ä¸æ˜¯ä¸»èªªã€å€˜è‹¥æŸå¼Ÿå…„有ä¸ä¿¡çš„妻åã€å¦»å也情願和他åŒä½ã€ä»–å°±ä¸è¦é›¢æ£„妻å。
To the rest I say this (I, not the Lord): If any brother has a wife who is not a believer and she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her.
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| 13 | 妻å有ä¸ä¿¡çš„丈夫ã€ä¸ˆå¤«ä¹Ÿæƒ…願和他åŒä½ã€ä»–å°±ä¸è¦é›¢æ£„丈夫。
And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him.
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| 14 | å› ç‚ºä¸ä¿¡çš„丈夫ã€å°±å› 著妻åæˆäº†è–潔.並且ä¸ä¿¡çš„妻åã€å°±å› 著丈夫æˆäº†è–潔.〔丈夫原文作弟兄〕ä¸ç„¶ã€ä½ 們的兒女就ä¸æ½”淨.但如今他們是è–潔的了。
For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.
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| 15 | 倘若那ä¸ä¿¡çš„人è¦é›¢åŽ»ã€å°±ç”±ä»–離去罷.無論是弟兄ã€æ˜¯å§å¦¹ã€é‡è‘—這樣的事ã€éƒ½ä¸å¿…拘æŸï¼Žã€€ç¥žå¬æˆ‘們原是è¦æˆ‘們和ç¦ã€‚
But if the unbeliever leaves, let him do so. A believing man or woman is not bound in such circumstances; God has called us to live in peace.
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| 16 | ä½ é€™ä½œå¦»åçš„ã€æ€Žéº¼çŸ¥é“ä¸èƒ½æ•‘ä½ çš„ä¸ˆå¤«å‘¢ï¼Žä½ é€™ä½œä¸ˆå¤«çš„ã€æ€Žéº¼çŸ¥é“ä¸èƒ½æ•‘ä½ çš„å¦»å呢。
How do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or, how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife?
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| 17 | åªè¦ç…§ä¸»æ‰€åˆ†çµ¦å„人的ã€å’Œã€€ç¥žæ‰€å¬å„人的而行。我å©å’å„教會都是這樣。
Nevertheless, each one should retain the place in life that the Lord assigned to him and to which God has called him. This is the rule I lay down in all the churches.
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| 18 | 有人已å—割禮蒙å¬å‘¢ã€å°±ä¸è¦å»¢å‰²ç¦®ï¼Žæœ‰äººæœªå—割禮蒙å¬å‘¢ã€å°±ä¸è¦å—割禮。
Was a man already circumcised when he was called? He should not become uncircumcised. Was a man uncircumcised when he was called? He should not be circumcised.
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| 19 | å—割禮算ä¸å¾—甚麼ã€ä¸å—割禮也算ä¸å¾—甚麼ã€åªè¦å®ˆã€€ç¥žçš„誡命就是了。
Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing. Keeping God's commands is what counts.
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| 20 | å„人蒙å¬çš„時候是甚麼身分ã€ä»è¦å®ˆä½é€™èº«åˆ†ã€‚
Each one should remain in the situation which he was in when God called him.
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| 21 | ä½ æ˜¯ä½œå¥´éš¸è’™å¬çš„麼ã€ä¸è¦å› æ¤æ†‚慮.若能以自由ã€å°±æ±‚自由更好。
Were you a slave when you were called? Don't let it trouble you--although if you can gain your freedom, do so.
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| 22 | å› ç‚ºä½œå¥´åƒ•è’™å¬æ–¼ä¸»çš„ã€å°±æ˜¯ä¸»æ‰€é‡‹æ”¾çš„人.作自由之人蒙å¬çš„ã€å°±æ˜¯åŸºç£çš„奴僕。
For he who was a slave when he was called by the Lord is the Lord's freedman; similarly, he who was a free man when he was called is Christ's slave.
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| 23 | ä½ å€‘æ˜¯é‡åƒ¹è²·ä¾†çš„.ä¸è¦ä½œäººçš„奴僕。
You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men.
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| 24 | 弟兄們ã€ä½ 們å„人蒙å¬çš„時候是甚麼身分ã€ä»è¦åœ¨ã€€ç¥žé¢å‰å®ˆä½é€™èº«åˆ†ã€‚
Brothers, each man, as responsible to God, should remain in the situation God called him to.
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| 25 | 論到童身的人ã€æˆ‘沒有主的命令ã€ä½†æˆ‘既蒙主æ†æ¤ã€èƒ½ä½œå¿ 心的心人ã€å°±æŠŠè‡ªå·±çš„æ„è¦‹å‘Šè¨´ä½ å€‘ã€‚
Now about virgins: I have no command from the Lord, but I give a judgment as one who by the Lord's mercy is trustworthy.
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| 26 | å› ç¾ä»Šçš„艱難ã€æ“šæˆ‘看來ã€äººä¸å¦‚å®ˆç´ å®‰å¸¸çº”å¥½ã€‚
Because of the present crisis, I think that it is good for you to remain as you are.
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| 27 | ä½ æœ‰å¦»åçºè‘—å‘¢ã€å°±ä¸è¦æ±‚è„«é›¢ï¼Žä½ æ²’æœ‰å¦»åçºè‘—å‘¢ã€å°±ä¸è¦æ±‚妻å。
Are you married? Do not seek a divorce. Are you unmarried? Do not look for a wife.
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| 28 | ä½ è‹¥å¨¶å¦»ã€ä¸¦ä¸æ˜¯çŠ¯ç½ªï¼Žè™•å¥³è‹¥å‡ºå«ã€ä¹Ÿä¸æ˜¯çŠ¯ç½ªï¼Žç„¶è€Œé€™ç‰äººè‚‰èº«å¿…å—苦難.我å»é¡˜æ„ä½ å€‘å…這苦難。
But if you do marry, you have not sinned; and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned. But those who marry will face many troubles in this life, and I want to spare you this.
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| 29 | 弟兄們ã€æˆ‘å°ä½ 們說ã€æ™‚候減少了.從æ¤ä»¥å¾Œã€é‚£æœ‰å¦»åçš„ã€è¦åƒæ²’有妻å.
What I mean, brothers, is that the time is short. From now on those who have wives should live as if they had none;
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| 30 | å“€å“çš„ã€è¦åƒä¸å“€å“.快樂的ã€è¦åƒä¸å¿«æ¨‚ã€ç½®è²·çš„ã€è¦åƒç„¡æœ‰æ‰€å¾—.
those who mourn, as if they did not; those who are happy, as if they were not; those who buy something, as if it were not theirs to keep;
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| 31 | 用世物的ã€è¦åƒä¸ç”¨ä¸–ç‰©ï¼Žå› ç‚ºé€™ä¸–ç•Œçš„æ¨£åå°‡è¦éŽåŽ»äº†ã€‚
those who use the things of the world, as if not engrossed in them. For this world in its present form is passing away.
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| 32 | æˆ‘é¡˜ä½ å€‘ç„¡æ‰€ç½£æ…®ã€‚æ²’æœ‰å¨¶å¦»çš„ã€æ˜¯ç‚ºä¸»çš„事罣慮ã€æƒ³æ€Žæ¨£å«ä¸»å–œæ‚…。
I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord's affairs--how he can please the Lord.
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| 33 | 娶了妻的ã€æ˜¯ç‚ºä¸–上的事罣慮ã€æƒ³æ€Žæ¨£å«å¦»å喜悅。
But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world--how he can please his wife--
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| 34 | 婦人和處女也有分別。沒有出å«çš„ã€æ˜¯ç‚ºä¸»çš„事罣慮ã€è¦èº«é«”éˆé‚都è–潔.已經出å«çš„ã€æ˜¯ç‚ºä¸–上的事罣慮ã€æƒ³æ€Žæ¨£å«ä¸ˆå¤«å–œæ‚…。
and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord's affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world--how she can please her husband.
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| 35 | 我說這話ã€æ˜¯ç‚ºä½ 們的益處.ä¸æ˜¯è¦ç‰¢ç± ä½ å€‘ã€ä¹ƒæ˜¯è¦å«ä½ 們行åˆå®œçš„事ã€å¾—以殷勤æœäº‹ä¸»ã€æ²’有分心的事。
I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord.
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| 36 | 若有人以為自己待他的女兒ä¸åˆå®œã€å¥³å…’也éŽäº†å¹´æ²ã€äº‹åˆç•¶è¡Œã€ä»–å°±å¯éš¨æ„辦ç†ã€ä¸ç®—有罪ã€å«äºŒäººæˆè¦ªå°±æ˜¯äº†ã€‚
If anyone thinks he is acting improperly toward the virgin he is engaged to, and if she is getting along in years and he feels he ought to marry, he should do as he wants. He is not sinning. They should get married.
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| 37 | å€˜è‹¥äººå¿ƒè£¡å …å®šã€æ²’有ä¸å¾—已的事ã€ä¸¦ä¸”由得自己作主ã€å¿ƒè£¡åˆæ±ºå®šäº†ç•™ä¸‹å¥³å…’ä¸å‡ºå«ã€å¦‚æ¤è¡Œä¹Ÿå¥½ã€‚
But the man who has settled the matter in his own mind, who is under no compulsion but has control over his own will, and who has made up his mind not to marry the virgin--this man also does the right thing.
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| 38 | 這樣看來ã€å«è‡ªå·±çš„女兒出å«æ˜¯å¥½ï¼Žä¸å«ä»–出å«æ›´æ˜¯å¥½ã€‚
So then, he who marries the virgin does right, but he who does not marry her does even better.
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| 39 | 丈夫活著的時候ã€å¦»å是被約æŸçš„.丈夫若æ»äº†ã€å¦»åå°±å¯ä»¥è‡ªç”±ã€éš¨æ„å†å«ï¼Žåªæ˜¯è¦å«é€™åœ¨ä¸»è£¡é¢çš„人。
A woman is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to marry anyone she wishes, but he must belong to the Lord.
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| 40 | 然而按我的æ„見ã€è‹¥å¸¸å®ˆç¯€æ›´æœ‰ç¦æ°£ï¼Žæˆ‘也想自己是被 神的éˆæ„Ÿå‹•äº†ã€‚
In my judgment, she is happier if she stays as she is--and I think that I too have the Spirit of God.
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